Hi Everyone,
As you might well have noticed, suddenly employers are advertising and needing staff - because the Christmas Casual period is starting to get into full swing.
This post is aimed mostly at those trying to enter-for-the-first time or re-enter after a significant break: you may be considering not applying for any of the Christmas Casual positions because of the fact that the work is only temporary in nature, and you don't want to 'waste' your time taking on a job that is going to end soon after it has started to only have to start your job search all over again; if this is you, then I encourage you to re-think your reasons.
By gaining Christmas Casual work is a good time for you to show off your best skills and behaviours to employers. The employers doesn't have to be the line of work you want to get into, but any employer for whom you do work for is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase yourself as an employee, and also to build up professional relationships. And let's face it, gaining a Christmas Casual position is better than having to do work experience or voluntary work to gain professional currency and a reference. It will give you some money to help you pay your bills and survive the Christmas period - and, it a good time to take your real jobsearch to the next level by updating your resume and applying for the jobs you do want.
You only have a week or two left to gain a Christmas Casual position before they will all be snapped up and busily winding up to the Christmas trading - be job-smart and pursue opportunities when they are available; this golden window of opportunity will soon have passed.
As you might well have noticed, suddenly employers are advertising and needing staff - because the Christmas Casual period is starting to get into full swing.
This post is aimed mostly at those trying to enter-for-the-first time or re-enter after a significant break: you may be considering not applying for any of the Christmas Casual positions because of the fact that the work is only temporary in nature, and you don't want to 'waste' your time taking on a job that is going to end soon after it has started to only have to start your job search all over again; if this is you, then I encourage you to re-think your reasons.
By gaining Christmas Casual work is a good time for you to show off your best skills and behaviours to employers. The employers doesn't have to be the line of work you want to get into, but any employer for whom you do work for is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase yourself as an employee, and also to build up professional relationships. And let's face it, gaining a Christmas Casual position is better than having to do work experience or voluntary work to gain professional currency and a reference. It will give you some money to help you pay your bills and survive the Christmas period - and, it a good time to take your real jobsearch to the next level by updating your resume and applying for the jobs you do want.
You only have a week or two left to gain a Christmas Casual position before they will all be snapped up and busily winding up to the Christmas trading - be job-smart and pursue opportunities when they are available; this golden window of opportunity will soon have passed.